Cougar Club of America
Welcome . . . to the Sign of the Cat!
Est. 1980
The Cougar Club of America honors all years of the Mercury Cougar, Ford Motor Company’s luxury sports car produced from 1967 to 2002.
Join the CCOA

Regardless of your location or the condition of your Cougar, please consider joining the Cougar Club of America.
The Cougar Club’s membership fulfillments are now being handled by Cornerstone Registration, Ltd. Cornerstone has been facilitating club membership requests for over 25 years.
Join CCOA, renew, or update your membership stats in real time. Click on the “Join” link in the top menu of any page.
Latest ATSOTC Magazine
(At the Sign of the Cat)
ATSOTC magazine is published quarterly as four issues per year. Each issue comes filled with articles focusing on preservation and restoration, news and information from local and worldwide Mercury Cougar clubs, and additional coverage of all things Cougar.
You can either obtain a copy of this award-winning magazine as a physical magazine you can hold in your hands or you can receive an electronic copy, depending on your level of membership.

At the Sign of the Cat (ATSOTC) Article Submission
Cougar Artwork for Sale
We have a new page with information about Mercury Cougar artwork that is for sale by a multitude of artists. Click on the image below to check out all of the available artwork. Support your local artists and dress up your Man Cave, Garage, or Shop with some spectacular Cougar artwork.

Items of Interest

At the Sign of the Cat
At The Sign Of The Cat is the official publication of The Cougar Club of America. It has been in existence since the beginning of the CCOA in 1980. Several other names were considered for this publication, such as “Cat Tracks” and “Cat Tales” but those names were eventually used as section titles in later issues.

Cougar Database / Registry
The National Database is attempting to register any and all possible 1967-2002 Cougars, living or dead, concours or parts cars.
This database includes all Cougars… from concours restorations to project cars and those in junkyards and even those that have been parted out. This is not just a showcar registry!

Tech Library
The Tech Library is filled all kinds of information on classic Mercury Cougars. You can learn more here about Decodings, read some Technical Articles, check out Reference Douments, and learn about some unique Cougars.

Cougar Club Store
Are you a Cougar fanatic? If you are, you’ve come to the right place. We have all kinds of Cougar gear for sale in our store. We have Die Cast Cougars, Apparel, Books, Accessories, Cougar Club Membership & Cougar Items, Back Issues of At the Sign of the Cat (quarterly newsletter/magazine) , and Clearance Items.
Become a Member Today!
Click “Join” at the top of the page to join the Cougar Club of America today.